Monday, February 12, 2018

My nephew turns one today!  He is a funny baby (funny particular, not ha-ha).  My sister had him as an older mom, she retired soon after having him and has been able to be a SAHM.  Which is good, but she does everything at home with him.  Very rarely takes him out, or playdates....  the only time he is not with her is when her MIL, our mom, or I watch him for a few hours - and he isn't happy Mama ain't home.  I did say to her that if she doesn't do something, like a Mother's Morning Out, or get other sitters, or start doing outside the home things with him, the separation anxiety for BOTH of them once he goes to school is going to be off the charts!

He likes to read, likes playing horsey on your lap, likes being dipped around and up and down, likes to point at things, and likes pictures.

He doesn't like not having his mom around, having a diaper changed, loud noises, and eating food (he likes his bottle).

All in all, love the little stinker and glad that he is in our family!

Monday, January 29, 2018

I miss snow....  is that so wrong???  I am much more a cold weather person than warm weather, and love cold days and colder nights, burrowing under a blanket with a good book, fire going, tea and a treat, occasionally looking out the window to watch the snow fall.

On the other hand, nothing makes me happier than being by water - large lake or ocean.  Put me on a boat and I am content.  Soooo...  Minnesota or Colorado?  A house by a lake?  With winter?  Hmmm... 

Friday, January 26, 2018

How long is too long?

What can I say....  7 1/2 years is a looooooong time to let a blog sit.  But there has been a lot of changes.  To update:

1.  Both BH and I lost jobs due to the economy, got new jobs, lost those, got new jobs again.  Yay, us!

2.  In 2013, at Christmas, drove home and decided we need to move back to be closer to family.

3.  A month and a half later, in early 2014, moved back to Alabama.

4.  My sister got married and had my nephew!

5.  We have been, since 2014, on some amazing vacations due to circumstances I am very thankful for!  Hawaii, Disney cruise, Disney World, Blue Ridge Mountains, lots of lake time with the family.

6.  My cousin has a pumpkin farm, so every Sept/Oct since 2014, we have worked it.  So fun to see families returning each year and the kids really loving it!

7.  Yes, BH and I are (still) together....  getting ready to celebrate 9 (gulp), yes NINE years of marriage in April.  Again - yay, us!

8.  No kids, no pets (although we did work with a rescue and fostered for a while).  I miss having a cat around....

9.  Gained some more weight, still trying to loose....

10.  Still not an interesting life, but it is mine!

I am going to try to be a much better blogger...  and not let almost eight years go by before updating again (can't believe I remembered my user name/password - guess it was meant to be!).

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Suuuummmmmer Time, and the Living is Easy

Headed up to the lake tomorrow, to a friend's lake house. BH is fighting a bad cold and is working on some presentations, so I am going up by myself. So it will be my friend and me. Her husband is staying at their real home this weekend to finish some of his projects.

She and me and her dog. Pool, lake and hot tub. And sail boat and ski boat. I think we are going to do it all.

I don't water ski any more, haven't since I was in my 20s. I MUCH prefer to DRIVE the boat. Which makes it nice for all, as it gives those who usually drive a chance to ski (or board or slalom).

And she is the one who got me interested in sailing (even though I don't do it). She has been sailing since she was itty-bitty, so it's fun to be on a boat with her.

Anyway, going to bed soon and head up to the lake house around 8 am tomorrow! Yay!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Why, yes - I AM alive...

Just not posting much, as there are THINGS (job things) going on, and it's all good and not good. I mean, after being laid off for several months, I found a new job. But things aren't going as well as I had hoped. More on that as things develop.

We are getting ready to go on our honeymoon (yes, I know - a year and 5 months later) to Yellowstone. YAY!

We went to the movies today, I saw Eat Pray Love, BH saw The Expendables. EPL was like eating an ice cream cake - slow, sweet and good while it lasted.

Got a nook from Barnes and Noble, am loving it! I got rid of my blackberry, but in the three months I have been back on a regular phone found that I am missing it... go figure!

I am getting antsy to move... not sure why, just ready for a change. BH hates moving, so we have been tossing around some ideas. My favorite so far is to junk everything we have and start new! Just wish we had the funds to that... You know what they say: caviar taste on a spam budget!

It's getting late, BH fell asleep watching tv - better get him into bed! And I am yawning... do you sometimes crave sleep, like food or water?

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Bad blogger..... bad, bad blogger

Yes, I have been a terrible blogger. There is a lot going on, but nothing worth writing about.... I promise to catch up soon!

Ummm... good weekend, BH and I went to see "Kick Ass." It was.... for teenage boys. There was some funny moments, and I get the sense of humor, but am getting too old for these comic book movies (especially since I don't follow comic books).

We are planning on a trade-off, we will go see "Robin Hood" for him and "Letters to Juliet" for me. It seems movies are getting worse and worse... Hollywood is really in a slump!

We are doing Dr. Who, and even though I loved Da*id Ten*et, I am enjoying the new Doctor! I only got into this a couple years ago, when BH and I met. With him being British, he was raised with the show and enjoys it. It is nice having On Demand, and watching it the next day or so after it airs, 'cause we can cut out the commercials!

See, told you things were boring.....

Friday, April 30, 2010


Been meaning to post, there has been a lot going on (started new temp job, celebrated one year anniversary, took a trip home to Alabama, loads of weddings coming up, BH really involved with Red Cross, lots of thinking from other blogs), but have been lazy and unmotivated lately. Sigh...

To follow up from my last blog, I never continued my thread of thought about friends. I have been reading blogs for several years, one blog even before there was the term blog (hi, HG!). It gives me a false sense of "knowing" someone, of feeling like there is a link when they don't know me from Adam.

I have made several blogging friends (they know who I am, we have e-mailed and chatted on the phone and there isn't the cyper-stalking creepiness going on), but it still is all very un-real. They are all more open in their lives than I am, more able to chat about this-and-that in a more story-telling way than I have, and they make all the little things in their lives seem fun! exciting! new!

By having blogging friends, it gives me the sense of chatting with a friend by reading their blogs. I know, weird. And some of my blogging friends and I are friends on FaceBook as well, so there are more ways of staying connected through the web.

Has the web taken over friendships? Is it too easy to be involved without having even chatted with someone (live) in a while? Where are the friends to go out to eat with, go to the movies with, go shopping, get a manicure, hiking, walking, actually DOING things?

Well, I need to get over my laziness - and over myself with the serious stuff!